Feedback and Testimonials form BAX Delegates
Crossing cultural barriers, building relationships for the future. What past Participants have said about their experiences
“The trip helped me to realise that no matter how varied our backgrounds are, our humanity is essentially the same.”
Margo, Palestinian Territories
“The students I met showed me that we all have the same hopes, dreams and fears..”
Kamran, UK
“I always thought of Britain as a country that colonised my country, Sudan, for more than 60 years. After my visit I realised that people in both countries could make that shared history a solid base for stronger relations in the future.”
Mahdi, Sudan
“Islam was not as it is portrayed in the press – a fundamentalist and confrontational religion. We were impressed by its practicality and strength.”
Peter, UK
“After the visit I felt that I could be a more valuable person. I came back more open-minded, understanding and just. Sharing with others – British and Lebanese, gave me the chance to see beyond my own society.”
Roweida, Lebanon
“I will help raise awareness about Western countires and help build bridges between the Middle East and the West.”
Name, Iraq

Meeting with UDA and former IRA Leaders, Belfast 2010